Articles on the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. The metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. Purpose and practical capabilities of the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. Metrological aspects in the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. Fundamental difference of the metal magnetic memory method from other known magnetic non-destructive testing methods. Totals and prospects of the method development
- A.A. Dubov. The totals of application of the metal magnetic memory method to industry in Russia and other countries
- A.A. Dubov, V.T. Vlasov. On the problem of stress-strain state characteristics measurement of structural materials on complex engineering objects. Energy concept of materials stress-strained state (SSS) diagnostics
- A.A. Dubov, Al.A. Dubov. Problems of oil and gas pipelines' stress-strain state control and their solution using the metal magnetic memory
- A.A. Dubov. Stress-strain state control of gas pipelines during assessment of their lifetime
- A.A. Dubov. Process pipelines inspection without insulation removal using scanning devices and the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov, Al.A. Dubov. Non-contact magnetometric diagnostics of pipelines and perspectives of its development
- A.A. Dubov. Technical diagnostics and monitoring the condition of equipment and structures at the present stage of development
- A.A. Dubov. Problems of ageing equipment residual life assessment
- A.A. Dubov. Assessment of equipment lifetime using the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. Metal magnetic memory method and its capabilities for diagnostics of power boiler elements
- A.A. Dubov. Detection of local stress concentration zones in engineering products - the lacking link in the non-destructive testing system
- V.M. Matunin, A.A. Dubov, Al.A. Dubov. Determination of metal's mechanical properties by hardness parameters in stress concentration zones detected in engineering products using the metal magnetic memory method
- N.A. Makhutov, A.A. Dubov, A.S. Denisov. Study of static and cyclic strains using the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov, N.A. Semashko, V.Yu. Privalov, L.R. Botvina, A.B. Tsepelev. On relationship of magnetic, acoustic and mechanical characteristics assessed during tensile testing of steel specimens
- A.A. Dubov, Al.A. Dubov. Capabilities of the metal magnetic memory method for monitoring of cracks development
- A.A. Dubov, S.M. Kolokolnikov. Review of welding problems and allied processes and their solving using metal magnetic memory effect
- A.A. Dubov, Al.A. Dubov, A.A. Sobranin. Diagnostics of oil-production drilling rig units and components using the metal magnetic memory method
- A.A. Dubov. Reliability assurance of oil production facilities electric submersible centrifugal pump parts using the metal magnetic memory
- A.A. Dubov. Quality control of cast valves using the metal magnetic memory
- A.A. Dubov, S.M. Kolokolnikov, A.G. Medvedev, D.S. Boriskin. Integrated testing of liquid ammonia refrigerator tank welded joints
- A.A. Dubov. New requirements to methods and tools for diagnostics of materials stress-strain state
Basic publications:
1. Dubov A.A., Dubov Al.A., Kolokolnikov S.M. Method of metal magnetic memory and inspection instruments. Training handbook. Moscow: Publishing House "Spektr", 2012.
2. Vlasov V.T., Dubov A.A. Physical theory of the "strain-failure" process. Part I. Physical criteria of metals limiting states. Moscow: Publishing House "Spektr", 2013. 488 p.
3. Vlasov V.T., Dubov A.A. Physical theory of the "strain-failure" process. Part II. Process thermodynamics. Moscow: Publishing House "Spektr", 2016. 223 p.
4. Vlasov V.T., Dubov A.A. Physical bases of the metal magnetic memory method - 2-nd ed. Moscow: Publishing House "Spektr", 2019. 394 p.
5. Dubov A.A. Metal magnetic memory method. History of origin and development. Moscow: FSUE "Izvestiya" Publishing House, 2011.
6. Dubov A.A. I.C. 2029263. Patent of Russia and the C.I.S. countries. Method for residual stresses determination in products made of ferromagnetic materials. List of Inventions, No.5, 1995.
7. Proceedings of the First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Sixth, the Seventh and the Eighth International Scientific-Technical Conferences "Equipment and structures diagnostics using the metal magnetic memory". Papers and summary to papers. Moscow: Energodiagnostika Co. Ltd, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015.
8. Dubov A.A. Diagnostics of boiler tubes using the metal magnetic memory. Moscow: Energoatomizdat, 1995.
9. Dubov A.A. Diagnostics of turbine equipment using the metal magnetic memory. Moscow: ZAO "TISSO", 2009.
10. Dubov A.A. Diagnostics of pipelines, equipment and structures using the metal magnetic memory. Collection of papers and reports. Moscow: Energodiagnostika Co. Ltd, 2001.
11. Dubov A.A. Investigation of metal properties using the magnetic memory method // Physical metallurgy and thermal treatment of metals, No.9, 1997.
12. Dubov A.A. Express method of welding stresses inspection // Welding fabrication, No.11, 1996.
13. Dubov A.A. Diagnostics of rails fatigue damaging using the metal magnetic memory // In the world of NDT, No.5, 1999.
14. Goritzky V.M., Dubov A.A., Demin E.A. Investigation of steel samples structural damaging using the metal magnetic memory method // Testing. Diagnostics, No.7, 2000.
15. Dubov A.A. The problems of the ageing equipment life assessment // Labour safety in industry, No.12, 2002, pp.30-38.
16. Dubov A.A. The method of metal limiting state determining and equipment life assessment by magnetic diagnostic parameters // Testing. Diagnostics, No.5, 2003.