Software MMM‑System 3
"MMM-System" is specialized program for data processing about equipment and structures stressed-strained state by the metal magnetic memory method. "MMM-System" is designed for processing and analysis of MMM-testing results, database formation and reports preparation.
"MMM-System" is the completion phase in a process of diagnostics by the metal magnetic memory method.
"MMM-System" allows simultaneous processing of several hundreds of residual magnetization distribution graphs. Diagram plotting parameters are controlled. Using the residual magnetization distribution graphs (Нр-graphs) the program is able to automatically plot graphs of distribution of the Нр function differentials and gradient (dH/dx, dH/dz, |grad Hp| - graphs), characterizing the level of stress concentration, and using them, according to the inspection technique, to determine the limiting stress concentration zones (damage development zones).
"MMM-System" is able to process the data obtained from working with recording instruments (of TSC-type) after its transfer to PC as well as the data entered directly from the computer keyboard (at working with the TSCM-2FMM). There is a possibility to edit and correct data in the program. If necessary, the user can print out the graphs or record files in bmp, wmf, emf, gif, jpeg, vml, png, pcx, txt formats for their further processing using other programs.