Training and certification of NDT specialists. The unique Russian and International Center for training of specialists by the method of metal magnetic memory

Energodiagnostika Co. Ltd. independent body for personnel certification in the field of non-destructive testing, operating since 1996, is accredited at the Integrated System of Conformity evaluation in the field of industrial and ecological safety, power engineering and construction safety. Accreditation Certificate No. NOAP-0019 of November 22, 2019.
Basic activities of "Energodiagnostika" Certification Body:
- Practical and theoretical training and certification of non-destructive testing experts with issuing of Qualification Certificates in magnetic testing (MT) (including the metal magnetic memory method) for Levels I, II and III; ultrasonic testing (UT), visual testing (VT), eddy-current testing (ET), stress-strain state testing (SSS NDT) for Levels I and II.
- Scientific-research work and development of specialized inspection techniques and equipment's lifetime estimation.
"Energodiagnostika" Certification Body is the only Russian and international center, which trains experts in the metal magnetic memory method based on the "Program and Examination Digests for NDT experts training and certification in the metal magnetic memory method", approved by the appropriate Rostechnadzor Departments and the International Institute of Welding.
Training in new technologies of products quality control, non-destructive testing of equipment using the metal magnetic memory method is carried out for experts working in any industry including machine-building and metallurgical plants, companies and organizations.
"Energodiagnostika" Certification Body pays special attention to experts training in complex non-destructive testing of equipment based on complementary capabilities of the MMM method, traditional inspection methods (UT, ET) as well as metal properties assessment means (hardness measurement, metallography, etc.). Equipment NDT efficiency improves considerably when at the first stage the MMM method detects in the rapid control mode stress concentration zones (SCZs) – sources of damages, and then inadmissible and developing defects and structural changes of the equipment’s metal are detected using traditional NDT devices in SCZs.

"Energodiagnostika" Certification Body is the only center for experts training in non-contact magnetometric diagnostics (NCMD) of gas and oil pipelines, heating system pipelines and other communications buried under the soil layer, in difficult-to-access channels, etc. Training in NCMD using the specialized Type 11 sensor is carried out on the Customer's request additionally to the basic program of training in the MMM method within two working days

Practical training of NDT experts in eddy-current testing with consideration of various-purpose equipment's features is carried out using EMIC instruments, which can be used for ferrous, stainless and non-ferrous metals.

During training of experts for qualification Level III, along with the basic program, new developments and normative documents are considered, including documents on stress-strain state (SSS) assessment and lifetime estimation based on rapid NDT methods and, first of all, the MMM method according to GOST R 52330-2005 and GOST R 53006-2008.
Training and Certification are based on:
- Normative-technical documentation in the field of non-destructive testing (including documents on certification of the metal magnetic memory method, inspection instruments and personnel agreed with Rostechnadzor).
- Training handbook "Metal magnetic memory method and inspection instruments".
- Rules of pipelines, boilers, vessels and other equipment safe operation.
- Techniques for inspection and lifetime estimation of equipment and structures in power engineering, gas industry, petrochemistry and other industries.
- Technique for machine-building products inspection at manufacturing plants.
- Instrumentation-computer diagnostic complex.
- "MMM-System" and "MMM-Lifetime" program software.
- Practical training in the use of techniques and instruments on industrial specimens.
At present more than 2750 experts in Russia, more than 510 experts in China, 85 experts in Poland and more than 260 experts in other countries have been train in the metal magnetic memory method.
A candidate for training and certification should submit the following documents: application for certification; 3 mat photographs (sized 3x4 cm); medical reference about the level of health; copy of the document on education; copies of available non-destructive testing certificates; reference from the place of employment indicating the work experience in NDT.
During the primary certification qualification Level I is assigned if the working experience in MT and VT makes at least 1 months and at least 3 months in UT and ET. Certification for Level II may be performed in case an expert has Level I Certificate and working experience at least 3 months in MT, VT and 9 months in UT and ET. Experienced flaw detection experts with working experience of at least 4 months in VT and MT and 12 months in UT and ET may be certified for Level II as well.