Software MMM‑System 4

Program for data processing by the metal magnetic memory method

Windows 7/8/10/11

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"MMM-System 4" is a specialized program for processing of the data on equipment and structures stress-strain state using the metal magnetic memory method. This program is designed for processing and analysis of the results of diagnostics by the MMM method and preparation of reports.

"MMM-System 4" is the completion phase in the process of diagnostics by the metal magnetic memory method.

"MMM-System 4" is developed based on the Microsoft.NET Framework platform. The user interface of the program contains all the modern controls similar to those for Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Using the residual magnetization distribution graphs (Нр-graphs) the program can automatically plot the graphs of distribution of differentials, Нр gradient (dH/dx, dH/dz, |grad Hp| - graphs) and other diagnostic parameters, characterizing the level of stress concentration. And using these graphs, in accordance with the inspection technique, it can identify the limiting stress concentration zones (damage development zones).

"MMM-System 4" processes the data resulting from operation of recording instruments of the TSC type after their transfer to the computer. The program provides the possibility to edit and correct the data. If desired, the user can print out the graphs or export the images to bmp, png, gif, tiff, and jpg formats, or export the data to txt, xls and xml formats.

"MMM-System 4" is used to process the results of non-contact magnetometric diagnostics.