February 19, 2009
Vth International Scientific and Technical Conference "Diagnostics of Equipment and Structures Using the Metal Magnetic Memory"
February 17-19, 2009, Moscow, "Izmailovo" hotel complex
The Conference "Diagnostics of equipment and structures using the magnetic memory of metal" was held on February 17–19, 2009 in Moscow. Over 90 experts from different Russian towns and cities and other countries: Argentina, Byelorussia, China, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Poland, Ukraine participated in the work of the conference.
Reports on the following topics were presented at the conference:
- Totals of the metal magnetic memory (MMM) method development and introduction in Russia and other countries (as of February 2009, the MMM method was implemented in 26 countries of the world).
- The experience of the metal magnetic memory method application during the inspection and lifetime assessment of oil and gas pipelines, power engineering and petrochemistry equipment, objects of railway transport and other industries.
- The criteria of the metal's limiting state assessment during estimation of the residual lifetime. Assessment of the metal components' and structures' stress-strain state.
- Quality inspection of engineering products by the structural inhomogeneity and residual stresses.
- Non-invasive magnetometric diagnostics of gas and oil pipelines buried under the soil layer.
- New Russian and International standards in the field of engineering diagnostics. The experience of RWS in the field of standardization through the International Institute of Welding.
- The experience of SIU "RISCOM" in the development of the normative documentation in the field of industrial safety, management of risks and monitoring of the equipment.
- Personnel training in the MMM method, stress-strain state (SSS) control and engineering diagnostics.
The main attention was paid to the practical experience of the MMM method application in various industries and on various objects. In particular, the reports were presented on the MMM method application during the diagnostics of hoisting mechanisms, equipment, vessels and pipelines in power engineering, natural gas industry, petrochemistry, mines, machine-building plants in Russia, Poland, China, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic. The problems of experts training and education, the methodical and normative-technical background, standardization of the method and certification of the inspection instruments were highlighted as well. The broad spectrum of practical results of the works, carried out using the MMM method, was presented in the form of poster reports and information materials. The exhibition of modern inspection instruments was organized within the framework of the conference.
Special attention was paid to the experience of the NDT methods standardization and their harmonization with the international ones, in particular, through the International Institute of Welding (IIW). The International ISO standards on the metal magnetic memory methods and the new National standard GOST R 53006-2008 "Technical diagnostics. Lifetime assessment of potentially hazardous objects based on the rapid methods. General requirements" were presented at the conference.
Totally 38 reports presented by scientists and experts were heard at the conference. In particular, among the speakers were: RWS President, Dr.tech.sc., professor of the Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin O.I. Steklov; Head of the metals expertise department of CNIIPSK named after Melnikov, professor V.M. Goritsky; professor of the Technical University – the Moscow Energy Institute V.M. Matunin; professor of the Orel State University V.G. Malinin; professor of the Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University V.A. Skudnov; director of the "PREDITEST" company (Czech Republic), professor V.Svoboda; director of the "RESURS" company (Poland) A. Radziszewski; general director of the "Energodiagnostika" company, professor A.A. Dubov.
In his reports A.A. Dubov presented the current problems of non-destructive testing and lifetime assessment of engineering products, metal components and structures and ways of their solution based on the MMM method, as well as the perspectives of the method and the inspection instruments development.
Professor V.A. Skudnov made a report about the synergy of phenomena and processes in physical metallurgy, in particular, in fracture mechanics (being an interdisciplinary scientific direction). He pointed out the relation of the diagnostic parameters in the MMM method with the energy intensity of materials.
The report by V.T. Vlasov and A.A. Dubov presented the physical criteria of the stress-strain state assessment of structural materials, the relation of thermodynamic constants and temperatures with deformability of various alloys.
Professor V.G. Malinin presented the MMM method as a method for investigation of structural stress concentrator zones evolution during loading of products and as a method of prediction of their structural-mechanical state.
The conference participants expressed the unanimous opinion and recommendation to carry out further practical implementation of the MMM method as an effective method of early diagnostics of the metal and welded joints on vessels, pipelines and other various-purpose industrial equipment, to continue theoretical and experimental investigations in order to improve the method and the inspection criteria. The Resolution of the conference participants expresses the necessity to include the metal magnetic memory method as a separate NDT method in the list of normative documents of the Russian Technical Regulation Body, the Russian Technical Supervision Body and the branch standards.
The decision was made to organize an international union of companies, organizations and individual experts contributing to the development of the metal magnetic memory method - a new direction in the engineering diagnostics.